LC/MS/MS Method Package for Mycotoxins

For LabSolutions™ LCMS Software

Mycotoxins are highly toxic chemical byproducts from fungi commonly found in crops, and residual content in foods are regulated the world over. This method package provides simultaneous multi-component analysis conditions for mycotoxins subject to the regulations in Japan, the USA, the EU, and China.

Analytical Methods for 27 Mycotoxins

This package contains seven different analytical method conditions and fully optimized MRM transitions for a total of 27 different mycotoxins. Rapid analytical methods are included for a 25 mycotoxin screen, 16 mycotoxins using high-sensitivity conditions, 10 mycotoxins using APCI, and specialized methods for trichothecenes, fumonisins, aflatoxins, and patulin.

Analytical Method for 25 Mycotoxins in 15 Minutes

HPLC Conditions
Column         : Mastro™ PFP2 (Shimadzu GLC)
                      (2.1 mmI.D. x 150 mmL, 3 µm)
Mobile Phase A : 10 mmol/L aqueous ammonium acetate
Mobile Phase B : Methanol (2 % acetic acid)
Flowrate     : 0.4 mL/min
Column Temp. : 40 °C

MS Conditions
Ionization Mode    : ESI(+/-)
Nebulizer Gas Flowrate : 2 L/min
Drying Gas Flowrate   : 10 L/min
Heating Gas Flowrate : 10 L/min
Interface Temp.     : 300 °C
DL Temp.         : 250 °C
Heat Block Temp.     : 500 °C

High-Speed Simultaneous Analysis of 25 Mycotoxins

Compound List for Each Method

  Method name Detail Analysis time
A A_MRM_25_PFP_15m Simultaneous analysis of 25 mycotoxins 15 min
B B_MRM_16_ODS_30m Simultaneous analysis with high sensitivity 30 min
C C_MRM_1_PAT_ODS_10m Patulin analysis 10 min
D D_MRM_6_AF_ODS_30m Aflatoxins analysis 30 min
E E_MRM_4_DONNIV_ODS_12m Trichothecenes analysis 12 min
F F_MRM_3_FB_ODS_15m Fumonisins analysis 15 min
G G_MRM_10_ODS_33m 10 mycotoxins using APCI 33 min


  1. LabSolutions LCMS Ver. 5.89 or later is required.
  2. Matsuro is a trademark of Shimadzu GLC Ltd.

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